ThASSP: Threaded AntiSpam SMTP Proxy

Thursday, 24 July 2008 22:25 Javier Albinarrate

A long time ago I used and collaborated with the ASSP project. It is a PERL SMTP proxy with a zillion features. The most important being, blacklist, whitelists, SPF, bayesian filters, greylisting, etc...

The software had basically two problems.

The software did not work when loaded... and while it worked when not loaded I realized that by having greylisting and perhaps one or two more features, I was already blocking all the SPAM without false positives. So in short I neded something with a lot less features, and a lot more robust. Specially without Bayesian Filters which are the biggest possibility of a false positives and what takes more resources.

So I ended up writting my own proxy from a scratch using PERL Threads.


For sure, there are more features that I don't remember right now. I had it working for about 2 years now and I am REAAAAALY happy with it.

Some stats relative to all email attempts (for a 10 day period):

I used to get hundreds of SPAM per day. Today I only get 1 or 2 per day.

As soon as I have some time I plan to post the software here. For enquiries, just email me from the contact page.


Last Updated on Tuesday, 11 November 2008 13:09